Yohosie at The Tote, with Boom Pretty

This makes the second show of Yohosie‘s May residency at The Tote, and they’re rocking it.

InnerspaceFirst band up was Innerspace, with their rather loud wakeup for the neighbours. Sadly, they were a bit too loud for the small venue, I couldn’t really hear their music. Going by the recordings available on their MySpace, I would like to hear them again, but with slightly more favourable mixing. They’ll be playing next at Manchester Lane on the 7th of May.

Boom PrettyThen came Boom Pretty. They’ve been absent from the Melbourne gig scene for a few months now, working on recording their new EP. That said, they haven’t lost any of their stage presence. With the addition of Dave on bass, and Nic taking on backing vocals, they’re producing a richer sound than we’ve previously heard.

As mentioned, Boom Pretty do have a new EP that they’ve been working on, and it’s sounding pretty good. The launch is on the 30th of May at The Evelyn, but those of you who are really keen can buy it already on iTunes.

YohosieFinally, the headline act, Yohosie. They’ve been a regular on the Melbourne scene for a year and a half now, and have earned themselves a loyal following. With quirky lyrics and an almost manic energy coming from Xani, the co-lead vocalist and electric violin virtuoso, they provide a very entertaining show.

Yohosie are also launching a pile of new material, on the 22nd of May, at The Evelyn. Keep an eye on their MySpace for more details. In the mean time, they still have three more shows at The Tote for this month’s residency. If you haven’t already been, go!

Finally, 2 shakycam videos from the gig!

Boom Pretty, performing their new single Winter Bend:

Yohosie, performing their single Train Song:

More gig pics available here.


Boom Pretty