Don’t Forget to Alter your Federated Tables!

If you’re using the Federated engine, here’s something important to remember (apart from the usual advice of “please don’t”). If you need to change the structure of the remote table, always remember to update the Federated table. If not, when you try to use the table, you’ll get this error: mysql> SELECT * FROM foo;… Continue reading Don’t Forget to Alter your Federated Tables!

MySQL is People!

I went skydiving yesterday. Here’s a short video of me voluntarily leaving an airborne and perfectly sound aeroplane: What does this have to do with MySQL? Well, over the past few weeks there have been a bunch of conspiracy theories bouncing around. There are various topics, but the two favourite at the moment happen to… Continue reading MySQL is People!

Extracting a Database From a mysqldump File

Restoring a single database from a full dump is pretty easy, using the mysql command line client’s –one-database option: mysql> mysql -u root -p –one-database db_to_restore < fulldump.sql But what if you don’t want to restore the database, you just want to extract it out of the dump file? Well, that happens to be easy… Continue reading Extracting a Database From a mysqldump File

Yohosie at The Tote, with Boom Pretty

This makes the second show of Yohosie‘s May residency at The Tote, and they’re rocking it. First band up was Innerspace, with their rather loud wakeup for the neighbours. Sadly, they were a bit too loud for the small venue, I couldn’t really hear their music. Going by the recordings available on their MySpace, I… Continue reading Yohosie at The Tote, with Boom Pretty