WordPress and UTF-8

Update: WordPress 4.2 has full UTF-8 support! There’s no need to upgrade manually any more. ? For many years, MySQL had only supported a small part of UTF-8, a section commonly referred to as plane 0, the “Basic Multilingual Plane”, or the BMP. The UTF-8 spec is divided into “planes“, and plane 0 contains the… Continue reading WordPress and UTF-8

A Brief Introduction to MySQL Performance Tuning

Here are some common performance tuning concepts that I frequently run into. Please note that this really is only a basic introduction to performance tuning. For more in-depth tuning, it strongly depends on your systems, data and usage. Server Variables For tuning InnoDB performance, your primary variable is innodb_buffer_pool_size. This is the chunk of memory… Continue reading A Brief Introduction to MySQL Performance Tuning