WordPress and UTF-8

Update: WordPress 4.2 has full UTF-8 support! There’s no need to upgrade manually any more. ? For many years, MySQL had only supported a small part of UTF-8, a section commonly referred to as plane 0, the “Basic Multilingual Plane”, or the BMP. The UTF-8 spec is divided into “planes“, and plane 0 contains the… Continue reading WordPress and UTF-8

Don’t Let Your Plugin Be Activated on Incompatible Sites

When you write a WordPress plugin, you can specify a minimum WordPress version that your code is compatible with, using the “Requires” option in your plugin header, but it isn’t enforced. Along with that, there’s no way to specify a minimum version of PHP or MySQL. This can cause your users to have bad experiences… Continue reading Don’t Let Your Plugin Be Activated on Incompatible Sites

PonyEdit: A New Beginning

PonyEdit has always been a labour of love for Mark and I. We wanted to build the code editor that we wanted to use for our jobs – fast, clean and as at home in the cloud as it is on the desktop. We absolutely feel we’ve succeeded here – PonyEdit the primary editor for… Continue reading PonyEdit: A New Beginning

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